So, what do consultants really do? This is a question I get asked all the time by friends, family, and during coffee chats. Well, the truth is, the term “consultant” covers a wide range of definitions. However, there are many skills and benefits that are common amongst all consultants which have been summarized in this Beginner’s Guide to Consulting:

C – Change

In consulting, there are two layers of change that are important to master: (1) the ability to accept change; and (2) the ability to instill change. As a consultant, you need to be able to adapt to changing work conditions and environments. By learning to embrace change and expect the unexpected, you will set yourself up for success. Additionally, as a consultant, you are responsible for influencing the client to trust the solutions you are providing. It is imperative that you are able to deliver on your promises to the client and establish rapport in order to implement sustainable changes.

O – Organization

You will work with large amounts of information and data throughout the majority of engagements you are a part of. You may also work on several concurrent engagements with competing deadlines and priorities. By staying organized, productive, and managing your time, you will be able to complete deliverables with a systematic and efficient approach.

N – Network

You will work with incredibly smart people within your consulting firm as well as on your clients’ teams. This will allow you to build professional relationships with ambitious and talented individuals who you can continue to learn from throughout your career.

S – Solutions Oriented

Successful consultants are solutions-oriented – you enjoy the challenge of solving difficult business problems while uncovering effective and innovative solutions.

U – Urgency

One of Trindent’s core values is Perfection with Urgency. As a consultant, you may have new deliverables pop up with tight turnaround times. It is essential to produce a high-quality deliverable efficiently and effectively to ensure it is client-ready within deadlines.

L – Learning

As a consultant, you are going to work on various projects, with a variety of clients in a wide range of industries so you will certainly not be deprived of opportunities to learn! If you are a curious individual with a love of learning, consulting could be the perfect fit.

T – Travel

One of the most exciting parts of consulting is the opportunity to travel. Trindent’s global client base will allow you to fly frequently, live in hotels, and explore new cities, all while bonding with your engagement team.

I – Initiative

As a consultant, you may be expected to lead your own workstream during an engagement. You should be comfortable stepping up to the challenge and act with little to no supervision.

N – Navigate Ambiguous Situations

At times, you will face challenging and ambiguous business problems. These situations will challenge you to be comfortable with the unknown and uncover insights from complex problems.

G – Growth

Aligned to the love of learning, working in consulting will expedite your professional growth immensely. Being exposed to a variety of clients, industries, and business practices will allow you to gain unparalleled experience and knowledge within a short timeframe.

Above all? Consultants Make It Happen™. We develop insights, instill change, and deliver sustainable results for our clients.

Do you think you have what it takes to be a management consultant? Look at our current openings.